

EBIL Team From left to right:

(Mr. Milind Talathi- Director- Manufacturing , Mr. Abhijit Tikekar- Head Legal & CSR Co-Ordinator , Mr. Srikumar Ramakrishnan- Managing Director & Member of CSR Committee , Mr. Janak Ramani- Plant Head- Ankleshwar, Mr.Ranjal  Laxmana Shenoy- Independent Director & Member of CSR Committee, Mrs.Kishori Udeshi - Independent Director & Member of CSR Committee, Ms. Anushree Antarkar – CSR Co-Ordinator)

As a socially responsible corporate citizen, ELANTAS Beck India’s (EBIL’s) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) philosophy aims at"giving back to the society". 

Facilitating conducive environment for education remains a bedrock for EBIL’s CSR Programme yet, there is an inbuilt flexibility for adding other relevant objectives which go in tandem with the philosophy in pursuing the CSR objectives, EBIL endeavors to adopt a judicious approach to spending the allocable funds.

As a vigilant corporate citizen, EBIL has been committed towards giving back to the society ages before CSR became mandatory by force of law.

The Companies Act, 2013 which spells out a framework, approach and principles took EBIL’s CSR to a new high. Today, EBIL has successfully forayed into supporting projects in the fields of education, environment, health, sanitation and hygiene. The Details of CSR projects executed by EBIL are as follows:

Grant Requested For Study Guidence Centre

Estimated CSR Spend:  Fifteen Lakhs only
INR Rs. 15,00,000

Compliance with Companies Act, 2013: The recommended proposal of “Sustainable Urban Development” has been covered under the prescribed CSR activities covered under Companies Act 2013.

Organization details:

Surajya Sarvangin Vikas Prakalp (SSVP) is a social organization being run under aegis of Swargiya Nana Palkar Smruti Samiti since May, 2001. Starting with six slums in 2001 today after 22 years it has its foot prints in 54 slums of Yerwada and its surrounding areas of Vishrantwadi, Viman Nagar, Koregaon Park, Chandan Nagar and Wagholi. Our aim is to develop children and adults of slums and empower and help the slum dwellers, in particular women and children to lead a dignified life.

Over the last Twenty Two years SSVP has been working relentlessly to bring about Qualitative Behavioural Change, trying to improve Educational background and impact lives of over 1650 Students and 930 Women. The Child Education Program itself covers around 1420 Students from different community background, in the age group of 5-16 years through its Education projects like Free Tuition Classes for School Children, Baudhik Varg (Value Education Classes), Health Check-ups, Educational Tours, Personality Development Camps, And Lectures on different social issues, Fables and Parables Sessions for the Children. Under Community Development Program, there has been impact on the lives of around 930 Women through Women Empowerment Program, like Micro Financing Schemes (Bachat Gats), providing Self-Employment opportunities and Vocational Training to ensure Financial Independence. SSVP also has a programme for Imparting Legal Knowledge to the women residents of the slums.

SSVP Also Conducts:

  • Baudhik Varg (Cultural Classes).
  •  Health Check-up Camps.
  •  Educational Tours.
  •  Personality Development Camps for Adolescent Girls, boys and Teachers.
  •  Lectures on different Social Issues.
  •  Fables and Parables Sessions for the children.
  •  Annual Camps for Women every year on the International Women’s day.
  •  Teacher’s Training programme, Educational Tours for Children and Teachers.
  •  Apart from above, we also impart Occupational Training to help them getting Employment. Educational Camps are held for youth where games and a lot of issues are discussed to impart positive lessons

Organization Vision & Mission:

  • To challenge and overcome the socio-economic inequalities and enable the vulnerable sections of society towards the goal of self-reliance.
  • Preparing each student to succeed in a rapidly changing world. Supporting a learning environment that continuously motivates all individuals to excel.
  • Mobilize the strengths of children, youth, women and a large number of people to fight illiteracy, ignorance, sexism and addiction and to achieve the ultimate goal of crime prevention and development.
  • To empower women financially and professionally. To create activists for social welfare through youth organizations.

Organization Goal


1. Study Guidance Centre (Abhyasika):

SSVP has been successfully conducting study Guidance centre’s for the last 22 years in the slums under its care in Yerawada, Vishrantwadi, Koregaon Park, Viman Nagar and Chandan Nagar Areas.

Surajya Prakalp is presently working in Fifty-Four slums of Yerwada and its surrounding areas under its various projects.
Under this proposal, we are proposing to include the 9 slums mentioned in the table detailed below

#Study Guidance Centre Statistics# ( Proposal for ELANTAS Beck India Ltd)

Need for these projects:

According to survey there are 57 Slums in Yerwada and its surrounding areas of Koregaon Park, Vishrantwadi, Viman Nagar, Chandan Nagar and Wagholi areas. SSVP is involved in 54 of these slums with a population of approximately 2,75,000 (Two lakh seventy five thousand). And the issues faced by it are many and varied in nature. It is observed that there is a total lack of financial wellbeing, education, moral and cultural values as well as health awareness in these slums. In order to eradicate these issues, financial aid as well as proper guidance, by people who understand their problems, are called for. Most of the children in slums were not going to school or used to drop out. It was therefore necessary to inculcate the habit of attending schools in these children.

Hence with this proposal, we are planning to work on the following areas:

  1. Study Guidance Centre (9 Abhyasika) – Existing Slums undertaken by ELANTAS since 2018 – Proposal Cost INR 12,42,000
  2. Newly added Slums (3 Abhyasika) – Proposed additional Slums for ELANTAS from this year (2023) – Proposal Cost INR 2,58,000/-

CSR Proposal Total Cost 1+2 = Rs.15,00,000/-


  1. To enhance knowledge in the economically deprived children of the slums.
  2. To develop an interest in academics and to convey the importance of education   to the children of slum areas.


  • To create awareness in the parents to educate their children.
  • To encourage the children to continue their education, & guide them for their bright future.
  • Run Regular Study Guidance Center (Abhyasika).


  1. Study Guidance Centre (Abhyasika)

Under the proposed association the suggested plan is that we both together target the students studying in standards 1st to 10th standards in the above 10 Study centres (Abhyasika) and give them quality education by appointing well qualified teachers. Their performance will be assessed by making them solve test papers at regular frequency and offer guidance for improvement where necessary. The main focus will be to make them perform well which will enable our children to get admission in reputed colleges and further join professional courses.

Study Guidance Centre (Abhyasika) :

Room Rent:

Teachers Honorarium:

Coordinator’s Honorarium:

CSR Proposal Cost for ELANTAS Beck India Ltd for Year 2023
Summary of Total Expenses:

Project Reporting:

The project reporting would include Quarterly Progress Report, Quarterly & Annual Financial Reports and Annual Report (summary of the project impact).

We shall be very much thankful to you if you could extend your financial co- operation and encouragement as you have been rendering in the past, in our humble efforts to make needy women/girls self-reliant, the students to improve their knowledge which will enable them to change the life styles of their parents and themselves for the better.

If any more details are required, we will be happy to submit the same on hearing from you.
Donation is exempted under section 80G of the Income Tax.

Project Partner: Maharshi Karve Shikshan Sanstha.
Support to Educational Program: Dnyan Ganga (4th academic year sustainable project).
Project Size: Rs.5.08 Lakhs
Background: CSR Partner

Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan (MKSSS), Pune is an old parent body established in 1896, since then carrying the mission “Empowerment of Women through Education”.


The Great social worker Bharat Ratna Maharshi Dhondo Keshav Karve founded this Sanstha with the objectives upliftment, emancipation and education of women who formed a major section of the socially downtrodden. Over the period of last 124 years, the MKSSS has grown like a banyan tree.

EBIL supported MKSSS towards educational fees of 35 needy girl students, who have potential but needed financial support due to poor family background, to complete their degree/ higher education.

NGO Partner: Surajjya Prakalpa (SSVP)
Support to “Abhyasika” – Study Centers in Slums around Pune (4th year sustainable project).
Project Size: Rs.9.88 Lakhs
Background: CSR Partner

Surrajya Sarvangin Vikas is quite well established and very well known for its social work done at grass route level in slums around Pune, hence we had begun with a small initiative with Surajjya during 2018 and 2019   and observed that the activity has benefited to communities in terms of:-

  • Interest of students in residing in slum areas in academics and importance of education conveyed through Abhysika.
  • Enhanced the quality of social behavior of the children residing in the slums.
  • Reduced ratio of school drop-out and encouraged them to seek higher education.

In view of this, EBIL supported Surrajya for 4th year for running of Abhyasika Centre in 2022.

Support to Prime Ministers (PM’s Citizen Assistance & Relief  in Emergency Situations Fund)
Project Size: Rs.66.98 Lakhs
Background: CSR Partner

The Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund was created on 27 March 2020, following the COVID-19 pandemic in India.

With persistence of Covid 19 pandemic, the Company realigned its social initiatives and contributed to the national Fund.

NGO Partner: PMNRF
Support to Prime Ministers  National Relief Fund
Project Size: Rs.66.98 Lakhs
Background: CSR Partner

  • Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF) was established entirely with public contributions.
  • PMNRF accepts voluntary contributions from Individuals, Organizations, Trusts, Companies and Institutions etc.
  • The resources of the PMNRF are utilized to render immediate relief to families of those killed in natural calamities like floods, cyclones and earthquakes, etc.
  • Assists partially to defray the expenses for medical treatment like heart surgery, kidney transplantation, cancer treatment of needy people and acid attack etc.

With a view to mitigate the impact of natural calamities, the Company decided to contribute to PMNRF.

It has been the fifth year of running sustainable projects successfully along with the re-oriented approach

to contribute Company’s own bit and piece for mitigation of the situation caused by the Covid 19 pandemic.


The Board has been updated at regular intervals with the CSR activities and is satisfied about the overall

progress about Company’s CSR initiatives and spending. The Company focused on spending the CSR funds

on the projects only after assessing their overall viability and sustainability to stick to the very spirit of

assisting the community and guided by the spirit and essence of the legislation enforcing CSR. Thus, like

year 2020, the Company focused more on Health and Sanitization and contributed a majority of its CSR

funds earmarked for the 2021 to PMCARES and PMNRF.

The projects undertaken by the Company for the year 2021 were as follows:

NGO Partner: Lokmanya Medical Research Centre at Chinchwad, Pune
Project Size: Rs.20.05 Lakhs
No of COVId19 Patient supported under project: 5000
The 2nd wave of COVID19 during March- July 2021, had horrifying impact all over Maharashtra, especially
in Pune city. Therefore, EBIL decided to support COVID Relief activities initiated by Lokmanya Medical
Research Centre (LMRC), Chinchwad, thus we could support 5,000 patients by way of funding LMRC for
procurement of few medical equipment used for COVID19 diagnosis and relief.

NGO Partner: Surajjya Prakalpa (SSVP)
Even though COVID19 and consequent lockdowns affected educational activities substantially, the efforts
by the NGO called Surajjya Prakalp were continued to support the underprivileged population residing in
the slums by various ways.
With easing of lockdown restrictions in October, 2021, SSVP restarted its Abhyasika project and EBIL
could support this sustainable initiative for the fourth year in a row. The project has continued to create
a great impact in 8 slums.

NGO Partner: Vanarai Trust, Pune 
Project Size: Rs.1.83 Crore 

No of Beneficiaries Students – 400 per year 

Nature of Activity:

EBIL, in partnership with Vanarai Trust carried out “My Dream School project” as a sustainable social initiative since 2017. My dream School project was implemented in 3 Zilla Parishad Schools in Pungam Village, Sarthan Village and Tariya Bawari village in Ankleshwar region of Gujarat.

The schools identified for the project were constructed almost 100 years ago and now were in a dilapidated condition. Nearly 50% of students, mostly girl students, drop out of school at secondary education levels as there is a lack of basic infrastructure facilities such as toilets, clean and safe classrooms etc. in the school premises. Lack of proper sanitation facilities at schools result in deterioration of Students’ health and brings an embarrassment to especially girl students and female teaching staff.

EBIL could support these schools by providing basic infrastructure like construction of new classrooms, mid-day meal shades, toilets, renovation of old classrooms, provision of water purifiers, e-learning kits, furniture etc

Infrastructural development has created a very positive impact on village school students as learning became comfortable and joyous for them.

Statistics as below shows overall impact in 3 schools mentioned above, during Y2017-2019

Attendance of boysAttendance of Girl studentsAttendance of teaching staff
Before renovationAfter renovation% increaseBefore renovationAfter renovation% increaseBefore renovationAfter renovation% increase

Academic results of students upticked  by 10% to 15 % in their grades. Even parents from higher income class now prefer these schools instead of sending their children to District place hence, traffic and pollution from everyday journey has reduced.

Following photos show the marked difference achieved.

NGO Partner: Suhrud Mandal, Pune 
Number of Beneficiaries :15000 hearing impaired students from Class 1st to Class 7th 

Nature of Activity:  
EBIL supported Suhrud Mandal for development of educational textbooks parallel to Bal Bharati Scholastic Textbooks which are easier for their understanding due to easy language, attractive pictures and fonts. Not able to recollect this word 

The beneficiary schools are special schools running for hearing impaired students who hail especially from weaker economic sections of the society.

Impact : 
“Upliftment of deprived special children”

EBIL’s Contribution to this project has achieved a great positive impact on the most deprived and vulnerable section of the Society.

Through these project ,EBIL has upgraded a quality of education for special children, encouraging them to learn with the help of illustrations, attractive design of books and has achieved remarkable enhancement in their learning skills.

CSR Initiative with Suhrud Mandal began with small contribution restricted to 15 schools in pune district and over a time ,has reached up to 175 schools with around 15000 children benefited all over the state of Maharashtra

NGO Partner: Surhud Mandal, Pune  
Beneficiaries – 15,000 hearing impaired children, their teaching staff and parents from all over Maharashtra           

Nature of Activity:
Suhrud Mandal is a registered NGO, working for Educational & Vocational training rehabilitation of children with hearing impairment. Suhrud Mandal had a small beginning with an informal school in a private residence in the year 1973. 

Today is the world of Multimedia and Social Media. By using this most effective tool, we could focus on imparting Value Education such as Social and Personal Hygiene and Sex Education for hearing impaired Children and adolescents.

It is a tough task to imbibe value education in the children without any disability and it becomes tougher when it comes to educate the children without hearing ability. To address this specific need, EBIL’s CSR team scaled up the activity by supporting Suhrud Mandal for making Audio Visual Clips.


The children became aware of the facets of value education and they became able to distinguish between a good touch and a bad touch.

The parents, most of them heil from economically and socially backward section, also became aware of the precautions to be observed and overall, how to protect their special kid and help him/her lead a dignified life. 

These clips have a pictorial presentation which is fortified by a voice over and sign language which will not only help hearing impaired children but even other children. These clips are a must watch for the parents as well which will sensitize them about what all happens in the Kid’s world and how they should strengthen their emotional bonding with their kid.

You may watch these video clips on the links mentioned below:

NGO Partners:

  • Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Sanstha(MKSSS) running a  project “Dnyanganga" since 2018
  • Swadhar IDWC counducting a Project “Girls Education Support Programm” since 2016

No of Beneficiaries : 60 girl students per year

Nature of Activity:

Funding for Educational Fees for Girls Students in and around Pune

In poor families, girls suffer disproportionately compared to boys and are deprived of education which they aspire for.  This results in a disparity in their educational levels.  Subsequently there is gender inequality where job opportunities are concerned.

To overcome these challenges, EBIL initiated to support them by contributing large part of the     educational fees and overall educational expense. This eases out the pressure on them to earn and learn and produce better academic results. 

In India, most of the bright students from economically weaker section of the society forgo their desire of opting for higher education just because their families cannot afford the cost of the same.  As much as it is necessary for one to have a basic education, it is more important to seek higher education which can offer him/her better employment opportunities and thereby will enhance socio the economic status of the whole family. 


The main aim is to help girls from poor families to complete education of their choice. Since there is financial incompetence in these families, girls need outside help to complete their education. After education, they become earning member of the family and are instrumental in upliftment of the family and thereby of the community

They are qualified in every way to join the diversified workforce and thereby reduce gender inequality at workplace. 5-7 girls are now passed out, completed their engineering, diploma degrees and employed in well-known organizations. 

These girls are also working at the confectionary outlet of MKSSS and studying on “earn and learn” basis

EBIL CSR Team interaction moments with beneficiaries’ girls

NGO Partner: Surajjya Prakalp, Pune (Swargiya Nana Palkar Samiti Trust) 
Beneficiaries: 350 students from Slums in Pune city from Std.1st to Std.10th  per year

Nature of Activity: 

EBIL supported Surajya Prakalp  who conducts free tuition classes  called “Abhyasika”  for schoolchildren, Sanskar Kendra (cultural classes), health checkups, educational tours, personality development camps, and lectures on different social issues, fables and parables sessions for the children, educating the culturally deprived children of the slums. As we all know, urban slums are a bundle of lack of financial wellbeing, education, moral and cultural values  and ignorance towards the health. 

EBIL provided financial support to 8 such slums identified by Surajjya i.e Ekta Nagar, Sanjay Park, Mulik Nagar, Bhim Nagar, Burmah, Shell, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Ambedkar Nagar, Khulewadi, Katarwadi.

In “Abhyasika” students are provided with a conducive environment for studies which is rare in slums, study guidance and cultural and moral education. Efforts are being made to ensure that children attend school regularly. Abhyasika (Study Guidance Center) are held every day for students from standard 1st to standard 10th.

The aim is to develop socially responsible citizens from slums and empower them and help the slum dwellers and women, girls and children to lead a dignified life.

Academics Performance: Children could achieve higher grades in subjects like Science, Mathematics, English Languages, Social Science also, there was an uptick in percentages from 40%- 50% up to 70%- 80%.

Many of students got 80% and more in 10th Standard. These students are now engaged with Surajya and taking efforts in upliftment of their own slum.

NGO Partner: Rotary Club, Kothrud 
No of Beneficiaries: 6,400 Students

Nature of Activity:

EBIL identified 4 schools with the support of Rotary Club, Kothrud who needed e-learning Education as number of students are more than 1000 in each school and installed KOMKIN E-Leaning kits developed by Sumconcept Technologies Pvt.Ltd.

  • Subodh Vidyalaya Pimpri 1,000 students
  • Kanya Vidyalaya Pimpri Waghere 2,100 students
  • Dyansagar Vidya Mandir, Dighi 1,200 students
  • Dyandeep Vidyalaya, Talawade.2,100 students


Most of the students in the above-mentioned schools are from slum areas and worker families. The project proved to be of great utility to underprivileged students from parental background is viz. Workers, Daily Wage Earners. 

The students are familiar with computers, they can handle and easily grasp through visual, animated effects and will make the studies more interesting 

Software tools provided are very much useful for students for different subjects, competitive exams, career guidance, scholarship exams etc.

These schools have good number of students but few resources like one or two e - learning kits. 
Generally, these schools have 20% students who are promoted in next class out of Govt compulsion. E-learning could be useful for these students
EBIL ’s support for provision of KOMPKIN Educational E-learning systems to Aided, non-aided schools at affordable cost could carry a strong social motive and believe that “A vision to take technology led quality education” through this project.

NGO Partner: Lions Club of Pune and Rotary Club, Kothrud 
Beneficiaries: 3,100 students per year

Nature of Activity:

Provision of Phoenix RO Water Desalination Plant 

EBIL supported Lions Club of Pune Kothrud Charitable Trust and Rotary Club Kothrud to purchase and install centralized RO plants in the above-mentioned schools. This is a centralized plant installed in the schools in the outskirts of Pune where facility of potable water to students was lacking.

It was observed that drinking water in schools ( which is typically a ground water)  contains TDS of 563 ppm which may go upto 750-800 ppm in summer therefore highly contaminated, may lead to serious diseases like Kidney stone / Kidney Failures, Diarrhea, Jaundice and many more waters borne diseases.

The plant works in 5 stages of Purification.
Sand Filtration, Carbon Filtration, Fine Filtration, RO purification and UV. The purified water in this process is stored in the water tank.  The wastewater is used for Toilet / Bathroom, gardening and other cleaning operations.

EBIL ensured satisfactory results in terms of reduced absenteeism due to illness. The students are now getting potable water, the activity helped to create awareness of importance of health and hygiene among the students as well as villagers.

NGO Partner:  Habitat for Humanity  
Beneficiaries: 425 per year

Nature of Activity:

Construction of New School Sanitation Unit for Government Kumar Shala (Boys School), Andada, Ankleshwar (Includes 10 Toilets, 25 Urinals and 02 Hand wash area for Boys) over a 579 Sq. Ft. area.  The school was identified by Habitat for Humanity, an NGO based in Mumbai


This project had two important components, hygiene education and creating sanitation infrastructure.

School Sanitation-:

  • Improved Health and Hygiene of students of the targeted school
  • Protection of privacy and safeguarding of the dignity
  • Improvement in safety and security from abuse  
  • Improved health status of children from the selected school

Since February 2020, coved 19 pandemics has caused disruptions in every wake of life and hence, in view of this, EBIL CSR committee decided realign CSR initiative to cater to the Need of an hour.

Contribution to PMNRF/PMCARES funds would be a great support to Government of India in combating with the pandemic and with the natural disasters which year 2020 witnessed.

We are all proud about our children and almost confident that after schooling and college, our children will secure their livelihood and will take care of us as we grow older. But all the parents are not that lucky… 

What if the child is mentally challenged? 

These ‘special’ children are not independent to go and work in the society on their own. Also, they might not get supportive environment at the workplace. That’s where the concept of sheltered workshop comes into play. Kamayani is running Shelter Workshops for these special children which makes them stand on their own feet, earn lively hood and the least, they are not burden on their families. 
As you know, there is a ban on use of plastic bags in the State of Maharashtra. Therefore, there is a huge demand for bags made using old newspaper.

EBIL partnered with “Kamayani Sanstha” who is trying to bring betterment in the life of Mentally challenged (special) children for past 55 years. Kamayani appreciated our employee engagement initiative and requested if EBIL employees could donate old newspaper (Raddi) to them.

As the famous saying goes, “Helping few people might not change the whole world but it could change the world of few people who are helped.”

EBIL employees are also socially responsible citizens and there was no wonder that there was a wholehearted support from all the employees and a mounting 170 KGs of old newspapers got collected.

It has been an exciting journey of 5 years during which, we could impact   the lives of 10, 000 plus students from Maharashtra and Gujarat in a positive manner.

Thank you...