
The packaging act

The german Packaging Act (VerpackG) defines the requirements for product responsibility for packaging. In order to reduce the environmental impact of packaging waste, the law aims to ensure that packaging waste is avoided and, moreover, prepared for reuse or recycling. For this purpose, the VerpackG obliges anyone who places the packaging on the market in Germany for the first time to take back the used packaging and to recycle it, whereby the VerpackG has structured these obligations differently depending on the packaging.
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Das Verpackungsgesetz

Das deutsche Verpackungsgesetz (VerpackG) legt die Anforderungen an die Produktverantwortung für Verpackungen fest. Um die Auswirkungen von Verpackungsabf?llen auf die Umwelt zu verringern, zielt das Gesetz darauf ab, dass Verpackungsabf?lle vermieden und darüber hinaus einer Vorbereitung zur Wiederverwendung oder dem Recycling zugeführt werden. Zu diesem Zweck verpflichtet das VerpackG denjenigen, der die Verpackung erstmals gewerbsm??ig in Deutschland in Verkehr bringt dazu, gebrauchte Verpackungen zurückzunehmen und einer Verwertung zuzuführen, wobei das VerpackG diese Pflichten je nach Verpackung unterschiedlich ausgestaltet hat.

Marche Region presented a regional operative program according to the European Fund of regional development \'POR MARCHE FESR 2014/2020\' as an investment program involving different partners on strategical research topics to medium-long term development of those areas affected by seismic events occurred in 2016/17. This initiative is keeping into account the specificity of the industries of the Region with the aim to guarantee the diversification of development processes able to sustain the economy of the territory. ELANTAS participated to this regional cluster as active partner in the project related to bio-based materials

Bio-Based material project

To research and test alternative bio-based materials for coatings as replacement or partial replacement of conventional raw materials in order to reduce the environmental, health or safety impact of the finished product or during the process.

Demanufacturing project

A study will be conducted on the possibility to re-use or re-cycle the waste materials or materials coming after de-manufacturing either of ELANTAS products or of  partners’ products. The output of the project should result in finished products usable in ELANTAS markets or in the markets of the partner industries.

Composite Materials i-Labs    PDF Download

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